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- rem [
- rem Name: u.updatins.bat
- rem
- rem Derived from: (original)
- rem
- rem Author: Clive Standbridge
- rem
- rem Created on: July 1997
- rem
- rem Sccs ID: @(#)u.updatins.bat 1.1 08/04/97
- rem
- rem Coding Stds:
- rem
- rem Purpose: Update an file if it's an Insignia version.
- rem
- rem Parameters: 1 Name of file to be updated (no path).
- rem 2 Destination directory.
- rem
- rem Copyright 1997 Insignia Solutions PLC. All rights reserved.
- rem ]
- if not exist %2\%1 goto replace
- binfind Insignia %2\%1
- if errorlevel 1 goto replace
- echo %2\%1 is not an Insignia version so not replaced >>c:\insignia\up.log
- goto end
- :replace
- echo Replacing Insignia file %2\%1 >>c:\insignia\up.log
- copy /y /b c:\insignia\%1 %2 >>c:\insignia\up.log
- :end